Creative - KISMI Smooch Zone
KISMI Games Play games and get KISS’es as bonuses for playing. Music Are you a DJ or know how to play an instrument? Pro or a beginner, we would like to listen to some parts of your sweet melody. Embrace your sounds to people of KISMI. Voting What is voting, how the ranks are made, who gets the most votes. I think that’s the right place to share our little secrets. Your Art Streams Weekly, daily or hourly streams from KISMI. You got voice and story to share? Wanna become a streamer but don’t know where to start? We want to give you a chance to join our streams and fresh announcements for upcoming ones you will find here. Story Telling When was the last time you felt in love? Maybe your in love already, and want to share what keeps it so much warm in heart? Relationships between you and others, romance, how was your first kiss, dating advice, emotions during weddings. All stories are right to share here if some love as spice is added there. Earn KISSes Radio KISMI online radio. Creation of an online radio for the KISMI ecosystem with its own presenters, playlists, tracks, website, and mobile application. Contests Everything about past, current and upcoming contests. Share your ideas on what contests and prizes you would like to have. Merch From the very start of the KISMI ecosystem idea, we saw that there would be many different directions, both online and offline. Post your KISMI profile Does your KISMI profile needs some more KISS to be upvoted. Write your friendly invite for people to boost your photo to reach the TOP. Community Let us know each other better. What’s your story, what’s your tribe, where do you come from and around what ideas you wish to connect people here? Create team of interests or join one. All together with help of each other this world will spin sharing winds of joy.