BitMart X KISMI Exclusive 500 USDT Airdrop Event 📈

:chart_with_upwards_trend: BitMart X KISMI Exclusive 500 USDT Airdrop Event

:alarm_clock: 09/18/2024-09/23/2024 (UTC)

*Only :eu: Europe & :uk: UK & CIS new users who register from this link are eligible for this campaign.

:gem: Task 1: Sign Up a BitMart account.
:gem: Task 2: Deposit any tokens over 20 USDT to your BitMart spot wallet.
:gem: Task 3: Spot trade any tokens over 30 USDT
:gem: Task 4: Fill out the form here to participate

25 lucky winners who completed all three tasks above will receive 20 USDT airdrop each.

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