The Network State 🌐

The Network State in One Image

:blue_book: The Network State Book

Technology has given us the power to create new companies, communities, and even currencies. But can it help us create new cities or countries? The Network State book explores this groundbreaking idea and explains how we can build a successor to the nation-state—a concept called the “network state.”

:link: Read more about the book
:link: Learn more about the author, Balaji Srinivasan

:globe_with_meridians: The Crypto Islands & The Network State Podcast

The Crypto Islands:
Looking to legally set up your DAO or Web3 organization? Consider the Marshall Islands, which recently passed the Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Act of 2023. This pioneering bill allows DAOs to be established in just 30 days, limits liability for open-source projects, and clarifies that governance tokens are not securities.

The Network State Podcast:
Join Balaji Srinivasan in The Network State Podcast as he discusses the new DAO law with its architects and the founder of MIDAO, an organization dedicated to helping people set up DAOs in the Marshall Islands.

:link: Listen to the Podcast
:movie_camera: Watch the Podcast on YouTube

:page_facing_up: MIDAO: The Guide to DAO Incorporation

Incorporate Your DAO:
MIDAO offers a comprehensive guide to help you incorporate your DAO. This guide provides valuable insights on why and how to incorporate, which legal entity to choose, and the best geographic jurisdiction for your DAO.

:link: Download the DAO Incorporation Guide

About MIDAO:
MIDAO specializes in assisting DAOs and Web3 projects to form DAO LLCs and Series DAO LLCs in the Marshall Islands—the only jurisdiction that explicitly recognizes the unique legal needs of Web3 projects while offering limited liability protection to members.

:link: Learn more about MIDAO’s history and mission

:studio_microphone: Special Discussion: DAO Legal Deep Dive

Join Jawna Standish
Join Jawna Standish, MIDAO’s Head of Business Development, as she dives deep with Tatyana Cerullo, a licensed lawyer in the Marshall Islands, Hawaii, and New York. Tatyana is a member of the Blockchain Lawyers Group and has extensive legal experience in litigation and policymaking in the Marshall Islands.

For legal inquiries, contact Tatyana Cerullo via:

  • Telegram: @DaoLawyers
  • Email:

:tv: Additional Resources

Feel free to explore these resources to make informed decisions about your DAO and the future of network states!


Wyoming Adopts New Legal Structure for DAOs