We’ve added a new feature - Coin Flip 🪙

Hello, Guys! :wave:

We’re working hard on partnerships and introducing new features, and most importantly, we’re getting closer to rewarding participants of the KISMI Ecosystem! :trophy:

We’ve added a new feature – Coin Flip :coin: – to the homepage of the Mini-App, and we’ve also integrated AdsGram :chart_with_upwards_trend: to increase rewards for watching ads. All of this brings us closer to distributing rewards and securing even more exciting partnerships! :handshake:

We really wanted to add some fun and dynamics to the Mini-App, and we’ll keep working to bring Mini-Games to life! :video_game::kiss:

So… without further ado: meet Coin Flip! :tada:


Flippy KISS machine. :game_die:

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it’s so beautiful! and very engaging :star_struck:

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